I know I shouldn't be angry on a Sunday morning, particularly one where I got an extra hour of sleep. But....
I got an email from someone who is running for Town Council in my town. The only possible way he would have gotten my email address is by the class list from my daughters' classrooms. The room parent collects phone numbers, email addresses and mailing addresses for birthday parties, early dismissal etc.... Because I work full time, email is essential to communicate with me. But, not for town elections. I am annoyed.
And another thing. I went out for dinner last night with 4 other couples... no kids. It was lovely. However, the waitress pointed out one of my girlfriends who finished her dinner quickly (she is the mother of twin toddlers and a 3 year old who probably hadn't eaten all day), "wow, you finished quickly and cleaned your plate too, you were HUNGRY." I think that was rude. Since when does everyone have be a comedian at the expense of propriety.
Lastly. Went out walking this morning. For those of you who read my blog, you know how sensitive I am when you mess with me while I am walking.... I was almost home. Had a great walk, beautiful fall day. Everyone I passed behaved themselves "good morning" "hi" etc.... I was almost home, and this guy who worked for the utility company decided to imitate me walking and said "you should be running." I just smiled and kept on my way. I really wanted to smash him over the head with my neighbor's trash barrel. Perhaps I am feeling overly sensitive these days.
a misguided follower of the men in blue and white eh??..let me tell you a story of a time gone by..it went something like this...
It is with a e-vile heart that I now go boo boo, onto the e-vile warriors of the blue and white. For you see, I remember a yon year gone by, when two mighty armys did grabble upon the iron grid.
Two mighty armys did toil and battle that day, for a gleaming ring and a championship did lay ahead. They fought apon an iron grid in the eastern lands, two mighty armys that day, one of blue and white(boo boo boo), one of the black and silver. They fought from sunrise to sunset that day, the fighting was fierce and many were mangled apon the iron grid, then a whitness came unto the eastern land, but still the mighty armys fought hand to hand. Now the armys were equally matched in almost every way, and the play was long and hard, and neither could slay the other, but then just then, as the shadows grew in number and the face of time grew smaller and smaller, a mighty guard from the black and silver tribe did smack and wack the leather orb to the ground, and then another warrior from the west did bounce apon it, the day was won for the army of the black and silver. Much gladness and toy toots were heard apon the land, for you see, the face apon the dial was almost gone, the mighty warriors from the west now would go in search of the magic ring. The blue and white warriors from the east had been vanquished, this was very plain and all did see.
But then the evil wizard Belichick did throw a scarlet rag upon the whiten grid, which made all the zebramen say wait. Then the evil wizard Belichick talked to the zebramen and he protested how the leather orb come to be apon the whiten iron grid. Then the leader of the zebramen went under the black curtain to view apon the silicone screen, just what it was that made the leather orb fall unto the ground. For many ticky tocks the leader of the zebramen did watch the play apon the silicone screen, but he could not discern whether the Brady arm went back or forward and then he asked his brother zebraman to view the flickering images and to give unto him, his version of that play. The second zerbaman did not view the flickering images there, this I can truly say. But unto the head zebraman he was heard to say.
“look about this crowd and be afraid, for if the leather orb is not given back unto the warriors of the eastern lands, the crowd will slay us this very day”.
The head zebraman then looked into the eyes of the beastly crowd, and agreed that he would like to live another day. So it was that the
zebramen gave back the leather orb unto the warriors of the eastern lands. It was a woeful ending that day for the warriors of the western lands. The zebramen had cheated them once again. :-)
Good luck against the colts, but if you’re a wise person, you will also look to the western land, for the mighty black and silver again begins to rise upon the grid of iron, so beware oh men of the blue and white,
For all who dwell in the raider nation remember that day, when the zebramen took glory away…….
You're not alone. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, too. My kids are like salt to my slug, my house is such an unbearable mess, I don't even know where to begin. I wish the January MommyCon thing was THIS weekend instead of in January. Or that I was temporarily deaf so I wouldn't have to hear my kids, whining, asking for stuff and fighting with each other.
Happy Sunday!
Very well written, thank you for the comment!
Unfortunately being born and raised in MA, I have always been, and will always be a Pats fan. I will keep my fingers crossed for the Raiders for ya!
The nerve of some people! If that utility man had said that to me, he would have been wearing that garbage can. In half a heartbeat. Cheer up, the day is still young!
well, that does seem like a lot of things to tick a person off..I hate when I have days like that! How rude of the waitress and the utility guy. And, uh, room mom shouldn't be giving out email and info to people...it is to be used for school information and that is it. So, I agree with you totally on this one! Hope tomorrow is better!
Yes....things always seem brighter in the morning! Cheer up, my best friend, things can only get better....
...notice the bright outlook on things????.....
Yes....things always seem brighter in the morning! Cheer up, my best friend, things can only get better....
...notice the bright outlook on things????.....
I love going out to eat with my hubby, no kids, and with other adults!!
I agree with you about the disappearing manners these days. I never cease to be amazed. But I'm glad you got a nice night out!
I hate spam too.
That would be very rude of a waitress... but true I am the mother of twin toddlers and some days I eat the floor pickings LOL.I eat quickly too so I can back up to them.
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