I celebrate 2 Thanksgivings. One with the hubster's side of the family and one with my side of the family.
I announced tonight that I was going to need to make sweet potatoes for our first Thanksgiving tomorrow. Cat asked if she could help. I immediately thought noooo I just want to finish this and relax. But I remembered my mom, who normally wouldn't allow anyone in her castle the kitchen, would open it up to us on Thanksgiving and Christmas to help. Usually she would take the trimmings off the pie crusts and let us roll them out and put cinnamon and sugar on them and we would roll them into pinwheels.
My dad always made cranberry bread and my Nana made truffles. My older brother played in the high school Thanksgiving game. My little brother and I loved watching the Macy's day parade. It was nice.
It makes me hope that we are starting nice traditions for my kids. I have a friend whose parents used to send them outside to make a homemade centerpeice on Thanksgiving (basically getting the kids out of the house for an hour). I have friends who do yankee swaps at Christmas time. I have a friend who on Christmas Eve does the "ugly gift awards," everyone picks a name on Thanksgiving and on Christmas Eve gets the most creative, ugly gift they can find. My mother in law used to start a puzzle on Thankgiving with the kids with the hopes of finishing by Christmas Eve. My father in law used to read his kids Dickens "A Christmas Carol."
What are your traditions?
We have started a fairly new tradition. On Christmas Eve, we get the kids in their pj's and log onto the military website "Norad".
We usually get together with my husband's sister and her family (she has 2 boys close to my kids' ages) and while having a casual meal of things like lasagna & chicken wings, the kids check the website to see where Santa is in his travels.
Santa usually heads over to North America right around 7:30 or 8pm so we quickly wrap things up for the evening and tuck everyone quietly into bed.
Hubby & I share a drink and plunge into our evening of "some assembly required".
Then we stuff each other's stockings and climb (exhausted) into bed.
Hmm.. what a great idea for a journal.. Will have to add one:)
Sadly, none of the traditions from my childhood have been continued. We have made new ones which include making Borak on Christmas Eve and the kids writing letters to Santa and Mrs Clause to thank them for all of their hard work.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
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