Friday, November 30, 2007
Last day of NaBloMo....
See you in December when I have more brain cells left and hopefully feeling more inspired
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Holiday Crabbiness Setting in? (not for kids)

And its not even December yet...
How to keep T from being crabby this holiday season?
- Don't let children drink her "special" eggnog
- Don't mock "It's a Wonderful Life", including George Bailey or Uncle Billy
- Compliment her wreaths and timeliness of decorating her home
- Send Elves, lots of Elves
- Don't say things like "I like snow, I just hate driving in it..." you either like snow or you don't
- Don't play Dominic the Donkey or I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas over and over
- Let her drink as many pomegranate cosmos as she wants
- Don't buy her anything with a handle or that plugs in unless its a sex toy
- Don't get offended when she calls the kids in "Charlie Brown Christmas" little f*ckers
- Don't ask her if she's been naughty or nice
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
To the Party Bloggers Out There
Here is what Oprah Suggests:
Make your winter event one to remember!
From a holiday movie night -- complete with snack ideas and trivia contests -- to a cookie swap, these gatherings will overflow with holiday cheer!
Holiday movie viewing party
Nothing rings in the season better than sitting by a cozy fire, sipping hot chocolate and enjoying your favorite holiday movie. So, why not make a party out of it! Here are our ideas for how to bring "It's a Wonderful Life" -- to life!
Make your own invitations by jazzing up plain card stock with quotes from the movie. Try, "Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings" or "Merry Christmas, movie house! Merry Christmas, Emporium! Merry Christmas, you wonderful old Building and Loan!"
Set the scene! Make your house feel like a theater by ordering replica movie posters from the 1940s online. No snow outside? Make your house feel like Bedford Falls by decorating your windows with paper snowflakes!
As guests arrive have the movie soundtrack playing in the background.
Serve your guests traditional movie theater treats -- like hot buttery popcorn and oversized movie candy.
While George Bailey's drink of choice was bourbon, Clarence the angel preferred mulled wine (with extra cinnamon). Have both on hand in case your guests want to enjoy cocktails inspired by the film.
At the end of the movie, give your guests a holiday movie quiz! Have a copy of the film on DVD as the top prize.
Give each guest their own bell as a party gift -- so they too can help an angel get its wings!
Cookie swap party
Does the idea of making 17 different flavors of holiday cookies get you down?
Fret no more. Invite your friends over for a cookie swapping party! Each person should bring one dozen cookies per guest. So, if you are inviting 10 people, each participant should bring 120 cookies (roughly two to three batches). At the end of the party, each guest walks away with a whole variety of goodies! Here are some ways to make your cookie swap special.
Instead of zipper bags, make sure to have fun containers for people to transport their cookies home in.
Holiday themed disposable containers or cellophane bags will work.
Have appetizers ready! With all the sugary treats, make sure guests have something savory to munch on while they mingle.
Have festive music playing in the background.
Ask your guests to bring copies of their cookie recipe so everyone can recreate them at home.
Gift wrapping party
Take the boredom out of wrapping gifts by having a gift wrapping party! Invite friends over and whip through those packages while gossiping with the girls.
Make sure to have plenty of workspace. You can even rent card tables for the day.
Provide lots of tape and plenty of scissors so all your guests need to bring is their favorite wrapping paper. Use our gift wrapping guide for step-by-step instructions!
Plan a buffet style meal so people can take breaks from wrapping and nibble throughout the night. You could even do a buffet of just appetizers!
Have festive holiday music playing in the background. Or, pop in a classic holiday movie.
Plan an outing
Instead of staying inside, gather a group of friends and head to the great outdoors!
Go ice-skating. You can pack winter friendly snacks like hot chocolate or warm apple cider.
Find a local farm and see if they offer sleigh rides. Don't forget to bring a blanket!
Visit a Christmas tree farm and chop down your own tree!
Grab your favorite holiday CD, load up the car with snacks and explore the holiday lights on the houses in your neighborhood. (There's something to be said for someone who can create an entire reindeer out of blue and white flashing lights).
Have a snowman making contest. You can even hand out challenges, like making an Elvis snowman, a Big Bird snowman or the world's tallest snowman!"
From the Holiday Exclusive
TM & © 2007 Harpo Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
What Does Your Favorite Christmas Movie Say About You?

Monday, November 26, 2007
Holiday Party

Baby It's Cold Outside

Sunday, November 25, 2007
My Dad has a Theory That I Just Witnessed in Person

- My kids have been observing me eyeing toys to clear out of the playroom and closets in preparation for the next group of toys they will start ignoring 2 days after Christmas and suddenly want to demonstrate how much they love these misfit, ignored, toys.
- I have been asking them to look at the flyers for gift ideas from the grandparents that I need to send them so they can get going on their shopping. They are looking at these flyers and realizing that they already have a lot of these toys, but are merely ignoring them.
Any of this going on in your house?
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Tis the Season

I think it would go something like this:
Friday, November 23, 2007
Some turkey and shameless posing with local pop star

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Over the River and Through the Woods.....

Kids Cooking!!
Also, we watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving last night. Can I just make a statement??? Charlie's friends are little "sh!ts." Imagine inviting yourselves over to your friend's house for Thanksgiving and then complaining about the food? Its bad enough they abused the crap out of him on Halloween and I don't want to even think about the grief (pun intended) they lay on Christmas.
Smoke Alarm
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Yet Another Book Recommendation...but this is a really good one

Monday, November 19, 2007
I Don't Know How to Play Anymore

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Amazing New Mini-Series
I think it is worth watching, and much more interesting than a lot of the shows on TV right now.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Family Traditions

Friday, November 16, 2007
Scary times
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Turkey Day 1 Week Away

Mistake: Year 1 I decided to do EVERYTHING myself. I delegated nothing. Not only that, I had a fresh turkey for the first time (those are bloody little suckers!) which proved to be very disturbing to my 3 year old who screamed everytime she came into the kitchen. So there I was the mother of 2 children (3 year old and 6 month old baby) cooking everything from appetizers to desserts for the big day. Result: I was so stressed out by the time dinner was served I couldn't do anything but drink wine and yell at my husband.
Mistake: My first year in my neighborhood I challenged by bigger and much (much much more) athletic neighbors to a "friendly" football game after dinner. Result: Embarrassment and a lot of pain. At one point I remember one of the teenage boys on the other team (I think his name was Rodney Harrison-ha ha) looking down at me on the ground like I had just fallen out of my walker saying "are you ok, ma'am?" Perhaps trash talking them since September didn't help our cause either.
Mistake: This year, taking on a new job at my company which will require me to work right up until Thursday. I have NO idea when I am going to get anything done. However, I have delegated a lot of the work to my dad who is a fabulous cook and retired.
I have no tips...well maybe one.... My mother in law is in charge of mashed potatoes and she always brings them in a crock pot to keep them warm. I have a small crock that I put my gravy in as well. I do make my own gravy still.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Useless, yet interesting facts for a Wednesday

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A Good Cry for a Tuesday
Below is an excerpt
"On May 4, Lori Coble, 30, was driving home from lunch on Interstate 5 with her mother, Cynthia Maestri, 60, in the front seat of the family’s minivan. Behind them were Kyle, 5, who was playing a video game, Emma, 4, who was watching TV, and Katie, 2, who had fallen asleep.
Traffic was moving rapidly in the center and left lanes, but the right lane was stop-and-go with cars backed up on the Mission Viejo exit ramp Lori Coble intended to take. She remembers looking back while the car was stopped to check on her children, and squeezing Katie’s toe to wake her up so she would be able to nap when they got home.
What happened next she knows only from what others have told her.
A tractor-trailer loaded with 20 tons of electronics and traveling an estimated 70 mph slammed into the back of the minivan, killing all three children and seriously injuring Lori Coble and her mother...."
Lori and her husband are now expecting triplets, 2 girls and a boy. They are also advocates for Truck Safety Coalition, a citizen’s lobby working for stricter regulation of the trucking industry. According to the coalition, some 5,000 lives are taken in accidents with big rigs.
It just amazes me how after a tragedy like they had that they could go on with their lives and it makes me think about the many blessings I take for granted every day.
Monday, November 12, 2007
While watching the Ellen show today

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sunday Morning Ramblings

Thought 1 of the day: How about those Celtics? 5 and 0. I haven't been this excited about a Celtics team since the ML Carr and Larry Bird days. I feel truly lucky that all of the New England sports teams are doing so well. The hard thing is the fact the Patriots are so disliked and there is a growing dislike for the Red Sox as well.
Thought 2 of the day (as I skip church today) I am an Episcopal. My family and I joined the Episcopal Church 2 years ago after a not so nice experience with the local Catholic church in my town (ccd, working mom...just not good). No judgement, just switched churches and we couldn't be happier with the transition. HOWEVER, my church is now splitting in half. To put it in very basic terms, over homosexuality. Half the parishoners are leaving to form a new church which will have more conservative values. I am staying with the current church as I have always had a more liberal point of view. The whole situation is very sad to see this church break up in such an ugly way.
Thought 3 of the day: Speaking of homosexual. The girls and I were playing Sorry on a lazy Saturday afternoon and I put on the TV, and the movie Pillow Talk was on with Rock Hudson and Doris Day. I used to watch old movies with my mom and she was a huge fan of Doris Day and Rock Hudson. We would make popcorn and grab blankets and watch these bubbly, harmless movies and it was so fun. My dad, unfortunately, would walk by and make some negative comment about Rock Hudson to get under mom's skin. But after watching him yesterday and googling him, it must have been a bit WAS GORGEOUS!!!! Check out this You Tube Video I found. HYSTERICAL, cute wasn't he? But not much of a dancer.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
One Season Ends and Another Begins....

Friday, November 9, 2007
My fellow blogger has challenged me....

I make good Martinis but I do have to give props to a company who makes fantastic mixers called Stirrings. They carry these mixers at most local liquor stores in my area and I have to confess, my famous blueberry martini is part Stirrings mix. They have come out with some holiday mixes this year including, Egg Nog Martini, Chocolate Peppermintini and Sugar Plum Martini. You know there used to be a time where I would anxiously await the coming of a new Yankee candle each holiday season....sadly I now wait for the new Martini mixers....
But if you want to go from scratch, here are a couple of my favorites:
White Cosmopolitan
1 cup white-cranberry juice 4 ounces vodka 2 ounces Cointreau
1 cup white-cranberry juice 4 ounces vodka 2 ounces Cointreau 1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add cranberry juice, vodka, and Cointreau. Shake to combine well. Strain into two large martini glasses. Serve immediately.
Fudge Swirl Martini
1 Part Chocolate Vodka 1 Part White Chocolate Liqueur 1 Part Vanilla Vodka
Mix ingredients in a shaker with ice, shake and pour into a chilled martini glass rimmed with cocoa powder.
My personal favorite
Dirty Martini
6 parts gin 2 parts dry vermouth 1 part olive brine Cocktail olives
Combine liquid ingredients in a cocktail shaker with cracked ice and shake well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with one or two olives
I think Martinis have become the modern day "shots" that I used to drink in the bars when I had big hair and listened to Bel Biv Devoe.
Give us some of your favorites....I get my best cocktail recipes from friends
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Home Disasters-Guilty as Charged

- Household disasters range from critters to floods to frat boys
- Basement full of water? Be careful of electrical feed
- Didn't open fireplace damper? Use fire extinguisher, not water
Lets hear it, what goofy things have you done?
I have left the damper closed when I lit a wood stove in my finished basement. I also had my fireplace going upstairs and kept thinking "wow, it really smells smoky.." I went down stairs and the basement was filled with smoke, which I had to clear out of there before the hubster got home. It looked like an I Love Lucy sketch, as I cried and tried to fan the smoke out windows with my daughters snow sled.
However, the hubster is guilty too. In our first house, he realized he had to stain the deck. Instead of using deck stain, he used Minwax. Minwax is used to polyurethane furniture. He basically shellacked the deck. It looked like a shiny bureau.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Gas Prices

Test #1 Aggressive Driving vs. Moderate
Driving Result: Major savings potential
The Cold Hard Facts: Up to 37 percent savings, average savings of 31 percent
Recommendation: Stop driving like a maniac.
Aggressive vs. Moderate Driving: read the entire test
Test #2 Lower Speeds Saves
GasResult: Substantial savings on a long trip
Cold Hard Facts: Up to 14 percent savings, average savings of 12 percent
Recommendation: Drive the speed limit.
Lower Speeds Saves Gas: Read the entire test
Test #3 Use Cruise ControlResult: Surprisingly effective way to save gas
Cold Hard Facts: Up to 14-percent savings, average savings of 7 percent
Recommendation: If you've got it, use it.
Cruise Control: Read the entire test
Test #4 A/C On, Windows Up vs. A/C Off, Windows Down
Result: Nice in theory; not true in practice
Cold Hard Facts: No measurable difference (unless you open the sunroof, too!)Recommendation: Please, make yourself comfortable.
Air Conditioner: Read the entire test
Test #5 Check Your Tire Pressure Result: Important for safety and to reduce tire wear
Cold Hard Facts: No measurable effect on the vehicles we tested
Recommendation: Check your tire pressure often but don't expect a big savings.
Tire pressure: Read the entire test
Test #6 Avoid Excessive Idling
Result: More important than we assumed
Cold Hard Facts: Avoiding excessive idling can save up to 19 percent
Recommendation: Stopping longer than a minute? Shut 'er down.
Excessive idling: Read the entire test
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Increasing Instructional Time

Monday, November 5, 2007
To expose oneself to pleasant warmth....definition of BASK

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Mama told me there would be days like this.

Saturday, November 3, 2007
Book Club-Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Friday, November 2, 2007
Rambling Friday Morning

Story Highlights
- Birth order's role debated; recent study suggested higher IQs for firstborns
- Middle kids are said to be great negotiators and peacemakers,
- Youngest kids may suffer from assumptions that they're spoiled, stubborn

3) I have a recipe you need to try... do this, you will be a hero at your fall parties......
16 individually wrapped caramels, unwrapped
1/4 cup water
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
1/2 cup brown sugar
In a medium saucepan over medium-low heat, or in the microwave, melt caramels with water, stirring frequently. Remove from heat. In a medium bowl, cream together cream cheese and sugar. Fold in caramel mixture. Serve immediately.
5) "Betch"
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Janga Fett hugs Barbie cheerleader.....
This was our first year with my daughter in a Hoochie Mama outfit and my 4th year with my son in an outrageously expensive Star Wars themed costume (equipped with a weapon of some kind).
I spent more money on the underclothes to keep my daughter warm from her skimpy outfit that I did on the actual costume! complaining......I like Halloween and had a fun time. My kids had fun, brushed their teeth really well and went to bed without and argument.
Here comes the stressful part of year. Who is cooking for what holidays and when can we fit in time to see them all. Not to mention the expense of it all.
I am going to try to salvage the year by adding in some family time for just the four of us. Believe me, we REALLY need it.
Posting every day for the month of November.
I always have something to say...not always funny or interesting, but I will give it a shot
Bloody Scream