Sunday, August 26, 2007

To Cal on the Eve of 1st Grade

Dear Cal,

I hope the following for you as you enter 1st grade:

I hope your friends love your new haircut (girls can be pretty with short hair-you are right!!!)

I hope you make lots of new friends, I know how much you miss Kaleigh

I hope you understand why I can't be in the class as much as we both would like

I hope you love gymnastics

I hope Miss M loves your non sequitors as much as I do

I hope you still love tacos on Thursdays

I hope you still love art and continue to draw me incredible pictures

I hope your new sneakers help you run fast

I hope you make everyone laugh at school as much as you make Dad and I laugh at home

~Love Mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea and a beautiful letter. I'm going to think about what I'll write to my girls.