Monday, August 20, 2007

Halloween approaching???

I am outraged!

I had to check the calendar! We got a catalog in the mail today with Halloween costumes in it!!
Do you have any idea what this does to children under 12??!!

It gives them a one-way ticket on a one-way train to Halloweenville!

Halloweenville is that little spot on your brain where you become OBSESSED with Halloween! It makes you talk about Halloween at the breakfast table. It makes you surf the net for the latest Halloween costumes. It makes you call your friends and ask if they know what they will be for Halloween this year. It makes you rip apart your closet until you unearth the costumes from past years. It makes you ask,"Mom, when can we go trick or treating?" It makes you sleep with the catalog in your bed!!!

The stores are no help! CVS has an aisle of goggles & beach balls for 70% aisle of markers & notebooks & pencils for Back to School....and aisle of Halloween candy & pumpkin window clings....and an aisle of Christmas ornaments!!

Did I mention that today is August 20th??!!!!
PS...Here are my 2 Goblins that are neighbors with Trish's 2 kids. The Stormtrooper is my 8 year old son, Stan and "Stephanie" from Lazy Town is my 4 year old daughter, Libby.


Trish K said...

Great Post!! Just when I was hoping to get my kids to bed at a reasonable hour so they can start back to school a week before labor day...they have visions of jackolanterns dancing in their heads....

I am giving out almond joys this year...

Anonymous said...

I got a catalog in the mail LAST MONTH with all Christmas stuff. It just gets earlier and earlier every year.

Alicia said...

I hear you - my son (4 1/2) is already planning both this year's and NEXT year's well as that of his baby sister. I settled down after the kids went to bed last night with the latest Pottery Barn catalogue...and dreamt of the bank account it would take to furnish a house differently for each season of the year!