Monday, August 27, 2007

Got School? Do Tell?

With school arriving for a lot of us within the next few weeks, I thought it would be nice to write a letter to each of my girls. If you would like to write a letter or post a picture, feel free to leave a comment with a link to your blog



Too Cool for School said...

Dear Jeremy,
Good luck with your preschool. I know you'll be sad at first because this will be your first time in school, ever. I know that accordingly to toddler calculus, change = bad.

But you're going to love LOVE school. You're such a gregarious little boy, full of curiosity and a love for life. There's a whole world of possibilities that await you at school. You'll make lots of friends and have wonderful teachers. You'll do arts and crafts and physical stuff. And you'll learn so much.

You're a big boy now. *sniff* Have a blast, and don't mind me if I'm a blubbering mess! Those are tears of joy.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

This is such a good idea. Man, I can't imagine how difficult the first day of school is! My only son is only a year and I'm already dreading it.

Having said that, kids always do better than their parents at new things!

Kris said...

Dear Stanley,

Good luck in your new classroom tomorrow. I hope you make some new friends and have the chance to see some olds too. Watch out for CJ...this school is new to him.

Make sure to give Mrs. R a big wave when you see her tomorrow...she was a wonderful 1st & 2nd grade teacher for you. She 'got' who you were and appreciated your sense of humor.

Please remember to treat people with respect (classmates included).

Have fun using all your fresh new school supplies.

Don't work too have hockey practice tonight! Just kidding!

I know you'll be a great 3rd grader.

Have a wonderful day!
I love you,

PS...I'll write Libby's letter next week when she starts Preschool.

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