Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cal's Non Sequitor of the Day

Picture the scene....

Its a cool rainy morning in Massachusetts, I am warm and snuggled under my covers....

"Mum, mumma...mum"(Oh God)

"yes that's me...mumma"

"What do fish use for blankets when they get cold?" (Where am I?)

"ummmm, seaweed?"

"Mum" (ok its Wednesday and my name is Trish...starting to wake)

"If throwing up makes your hurt, why did God give us uvulas?"


"Uvulas mumma Uvulas!!!" (what is a uvula, what day is it, who is this kid in my bed?)

"uhhh, hmmm, lets Cal I have no idea"

(long pause)

"Can we have mashed potatoes for breakfast?"

"sorry Cal, we don't have enough time for that this morning"

...and off she went to start her day....

I never thought these would be the hard issues I would be tackling.... I thought the questions like "where do babies come from," "what happens after you die?" etc.....

I am somewhat prepared for those questions


Children ask better questions than adults. "May I have a cookie?" "Why is the sky blue?" and "What does a cow say?" are far more likely to elicit a cheerful response than "Where's your manuscript?" Why haven't you called?" and "Who's your lawyer?" Fran Lebowitz,


Anonymous said...

We need to start working on a plan NOW to make sure that Cal and my youngest NEVER accidentally meet up. That would be the end of the world as we know it.

Kris said...

The world would be a dark & dismal place with Cal in it......

Cheers to Cal!

Kris said...

...okay...I need a cup of tea....

I meant.....without Cal in it....

very tired today. sorry.

Anonymous said...

Funny how their minds work and what comes out of their mouths :-D