My Boston Red Sox are now being touted as The New Evil Empire or Evil Empire Jr....say it isn't so.
As a long time Red Sox fan, I am used to heartbreak, suffering, choking and disappointment. We were in a 3-1 deficit against the Indians and I thought "ah yes, this is what I am used to, they suck me in every year."
Then we came back. I was euphoric for just a day or so....and now the World Series against a Cinderella team called the Rockies.
Nice bunch of fellas with incredible talent. Colorado has won 21 of 22 and has not lost in seven playoff games.
They are the David and we are Goliath.
I am not comfortable with this.
What happened to the slobs we grew to love back in '04. The long hair, unshaven faces..underdogs....
And The New Evil Empire...high salaries, a young slick pitcher named Beckett, a wonderboy named Pedroia...
This on the heels of the Patriots spygate....
I thought we were a small, white trash kinda town, our accents...our green monstah, our dirty watah, dunkin donuts, bad driving....
I am just not comfortable with this new image
What exactly is Manny doing to Papalbon's leg in that picture????
I would ask the same question as Kris, but really, I don't think I want to know!
Perhaps Manny is warming up Papalbon's leg for the irish jig he likes to do??
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