Friday, August 31, 2007
Hangovers...not just for kids anymore
What was I thinking....
Last night I went to a pre-season Patriots game.
It was a gorgeous, warm New England evening, perfect for an exhibition game and some mild tailgating.
So off I go with my fellow blogger friend, Pats fan and neighbor, Kristine . We bring our cute little sandwitches, chips, water and a few beers to have some quiet mommy time with no kids.
At least that was the plan.
It just so happens that the hubster's friends were also at the game. So we packed up a couple of beers and went in for a visit.
That's when the fun began. Kristine got into a discussion with friend A about hockey (a common theme in Kristine's life-she will be blogging soon about it I am sure). I decided to hang with the slightly younger crowd who weren't waking up at 6:30 to get the kids on the bus and go to work.
4 beers later....
I go into the stadium to attempt to kidnap Tom Brady. My plans were quickly diverted when I saw the new line of $25 dollar T-shirts.... (not a good decision since I had to send in 20 dimes for my daughter's lunch out of loose change I found in my husband's car).
Ok, new T-Shirt on, off to find Tom...wait a minute, do I see MARGARITAS at the concession stand??? $9.50, well that seems reasonable...give me 2.
...later that same evening....
Look, here comes a drunk that...oh no...Trish
Ok, now I look like this (...note the new shirt)...pretty...
So my question is....why are hangovers so difficult to get over now that I am in my late 30's? Let me tell you, at 6:30 this morning I would have given anything (even my new Patriots shirt) to sleep for another 4 or 5 hours. Oh and the new shirt...wore it to bed...oh and this morning when I got up and looked in the mirror, my first thought "where the hell did I get this shirt?"
Back to the hangover...In my earlier days, I would simply roll out of bed (from my dorm room most of the time), go to McDonalds, eat greasy food, slug down a Coke and be done with it. Actually I could usually start drinking again within a few margarita is passing these lips in at least 2 weeks. Oh and apparently I ate something last night that was salty (perhaps fries) because my hands are so swollen, they look like cabbage patch doll hands. I am looking at 2 days of hard time for this little debaucle. Oh and the hubsters friends, I am sure they will be sharing stories of "how funny your wife is!!!" What a spectacle
"What a drag it is getting old'Kids are different today,'I hear ev'ry mother sayMother needs something today to calm her down"-Rolling Stones
Thursday, August 30, 2007
There's No Place Like Home

Coach: How's life treating you Norm?
Norm: Like it caught me in bed with its wife.
Coach: How's life treating you Norm?
Norm: Like I just ran over its dog.
The Scene: My house, 8:30 pm EDT August 29th
Hubby was supposed to stay home today (which is like a day off for me) so he could get some stuff done around the house, grocery shop...blah blah...(he is a good boy that hubster of mine)...He logged into work to put his out of office on and found out he needed to go in today, which instantly put him in a rotten mood. I realized I would have to be on the ball in the morning so I really should have put down that 4th Amstel light I was guzzling.

Cat announced that she has read 62 pages in her new book for school. Which was odd, since she only read for 20 minutes. She asked me to sign her homework sheet saying she read..hmm ..ok...lets review what she read. She couldn't recall the main characters names, where the story took place or the plot of the story...of course the Cat/Mom fight insued which has been a theme in my house since she turned...9.
So I stayed up last night to watch the Red Sox vs Yankees....and well didn't work out the way I wanted it....A-Rod hit a home run to add insult to didn't sleep well...
This photo is an old one, but I love it and will always post it when talking about the Yankees

This morning...God only knows what hour it was dark that's all I know. I wake to find the hubster standing at my bedside in boxers and big rubber boots on....
Now this could only mean 1 of 2 things.................
my first thought was "Yay ...some kinky role playing at 5:30 am on a Thursday..."
Not quite
When I finally came to my senses I realized that somewhere in my house there was water deep enough for my husband to be wearing boots.....
BASEMENT...into the playroom, very leaky pipe......
My only hope that this day will not be completely ruined is if my fellow blogster Kristine and I have an enjoyable time at the Pats preseason game this evening and she pumps me full of margaritas...
A kiss from Tom Brady would be nice as well

"Each misfortune you encounter will carry in it the seed of tomorrow's good luck" ~Og Mandino
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Got School? Do Tell?
Sunday, August 26, 2007
To Cal on the Eve of 1st Grade

I hope your friends love your new haircut (girls can be pretty with short hair-you are right!!!)
I hope you make lots of new friends, I know how much you miss Kaleigh
I hope you understand why I can't be in the class as much as we both would like
I hope you love gymnastics
I hope Miss M loves your non sequitors as much as I do
I hope you still love tacos on Thursdays
I hope you still love art and continue to draw me incredible pictures
I hope your new sneakers help you run fast
I hope you make everyone laugh at school as much as you make Dad and I laugh at home
~Love Mom
Dear Cat on the Eve of 4th Grade

Cal's Non Sequitor of the Day

Ok, 7:46 am on a Sunday morning....week 3 of no coffee...
Mike downstairs reading the paper
Me lying in bed trying to cope with school starting on Tuesday....
Cal "Can I crawl in bed with you"
"Mom, mumma, mumma, mom"
"yes Cal, lying right here" (why did I have that 4th margarita last night?)
"On the moon you walk like you are underwater right...?"
"yes, you are soooo smart Cal"
"Mom, mumma...."
"yes, still here" (do I still have Benadryl in my medicine cabinet?)
"Did you know that you have to approach penguins very quietly" (Cal's obsession with penguins kicking in again)
"uh hmmmm" (that's it, how could one coffee hurt today)
"yes lovey"
"Is Mia (cat) righty or lefty?"
"uhhhhh, can you ask dad?"
Ok, everyone out of bed, I am up for the day....and very confused......
How do octopuss' go to the bathroom? (that was the last question I heard as I was making a mad dash for my coffee)
Even when freshly washed and relieved of all obvious confections, children tend to be sticky. ~Fran Lebowitz
Friday, August 24, 2007
Photo Friday with the CHBM

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Goodbye to daycare

"I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
of course I burst into tears (6 years they have been together going there).
Caroline said "that's ok, I know those are happy tears"
I am still crying
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Sad but true....
Play Clothes

Monday, August 20, 2007
Halloween approaching???
I had to check the calendar! We got a catalog in the mail today with Halloween costumes in it!!
Do you have any idea what this does to children under 12??!!
It gives them a one-way ticket on a one-way train to Halloweenville!
Halloweenville is that little spot on your brain where you become OBSESSED with Halloween! It makes you talk about Halloween at the breakfast table. It makes you surf the net for the latest Halloween costumes. It makes you call your friends and ask if they know what they will be for Halloween this year. It makes you rip apart your closet until you unearth the costumes from past years. It makes you ask,"Mom, when can we go trick or treating?" It makes you sleep with the catalog in your bed!!!
The stores are no help! CVS has an aisle of goggles & beach balls for 70% aisle of markers & notebooks & pencils for Back to School....and aisle of Halloween candy & pumpkin window clings....and an aisle of Christmas ornaments!!
Did I mention that today is August 20th??!!!!
Are we ready yet?
1 week from tomorrow, school in my town starts (yes before labor day-boo hoo)
Are we ready?
No we are not.....
My favorite back to school picture from 3 years ago (above).
Where did the summer go?
Why does back to school stir up so many issues for me?
-End of Summer
-Post childhood stress
-The hunt for the perfect apple crisp recipe
-Patriots season
-RedSox breaking my heart in the post season???
Part of me has no use for summer after the 4th of July...Part of me thinks that this summer came racing to a close too quickly...where is my perfect tan?
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Ins and Outs of my twenties and thirties
So I mentally compiled a list while driving back from Target (had to pick up a new helmet for bike day at camp tomorrow for Cal).
Out (twenties)..........................In (thirties)
Brad Pitt ................................Clive Owen
Birth Control Sponge ............Vasectomy
Life is Good
Sorry Kristine...had to do this to you
"Amazing things happen every moment, the trick is learning to recognize them, Be Amazed!."
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Do the following with your significant me

Go to a farm stand and buy fresh tomatoes and basil
Get some nice mozzarella (the real stuff packed in water) or goat cheese
Cut up the tomatoes in bite size chunks and chop the basil
Throw it in a bowl
Add sea salt, pepper, drizzle with olive oil (you can also add a little balsamic vinegar)
Serve with crusty bread
Make your favorite summertime drink (I like Sangria)
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Trish, I know you're gonna kill me for posting this.....

What is an Uber-Mom?
Funny thing happened on my way to my late thirties...the town boomed.
I had my 2 children and continued to work.
And about 3 years ago I had my first experience with sending my daughter to public school.
I also had my first experience with an Uber-Mom
On Cat's first day of Kindergarten I was approached by the soon to be named, classroom mom. I had no idea what that was, but apparently its someone who assists the teacher in getting information out to the parents etc...
To hide her identity, lets call her Becky...
Becky the room mom was dressed in full Talbots casual wear from head to toe. Her beautiful highlighted hair was flipped out on the bottom and neatly blow dried. Nails, subtle, but painted, clutching her Louis Vuitton backpack. Of course she was petite and drove the largest suburbanescaladevolvomobile I had ever seen.
I hated her instantly....jealous perhaps (hell YA)
Apparently Becky's daughter and Cat were in the same $60 a month ballet school together so we got to talking. Not only was Becky's daughter in ballet, she also did karate, soccer, daisies and piano.
My first thought "where do you find the time, what does your husband do for work and are they HIRING?"
After I sheepishly admitted that my daughter was only participating in ballet, Becky's mom requested the ever so popular play date So I knew my next statement was going to go over like a lead balloon.
"...Well, I work full time so it would need to be a Saturday or Sunday..." (cough cough) as I nervously shifted my eyes around the room to see if I was going to be thrown out for being a working mother.
"No problem, do you want to do it at my house or yours?" (yes she lived in a starter mansion)
As the years went on I watched Becky and realized she was truly Super aka Uber.
-Volunteered in the classroom constantly (she always got picked as room mom and to chaperone for field trips)
-Worked out in the best gym
-Perfect Straight hair that flipped at the bottom
-Said words like "terrific" and "super"
-Her kids were the first ones in school to have crocs
-Had lots of Southern Living home parties
-Called the Principal of our school by her first name (I never had the guts to do that)
If you are an Uber-mom, don't feel insulted...just feel envied!!!
As you can see by the image below...I am not all that UBER
"The disease of jealously is so malignant that is converts all it takes into its own nourishment...."
Joseph Addison
Friday, August 10, 2007
Cal's non sequitur of the day.....

When Cal is either excited or over-tired she launches into conversations that blow my mind...
This morning was no different:
"Mom, mumma, mom"
"Yes Cal, I am right here in the front of the van...I hear ya"
"Where does sound come from"
(ooooh she got me on that one)
"Uhhh, well, you mean, like your voice...that would come from your vocal cords"
(why oh why did I quit coffee this week)
"What do mice use for umbrellas"
"hmmm probably a leaf, or perhaps they would hide under a rock"
(my 9 year old is now looking annoyed at the both of us)
"I love marshmallows"
"me too too"
When we got to camp, Cat (9 year old) lept out of the minivan for help....

Come to think of it, my life is one big non sequitur.
Humor helps us to think out of the box. The average child laughs about 400 times per day, the average adult laughs only 15 times per day. What happened to the other 385 laughs?
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Cold medicine taking 2
This is why....
I love these kids, go to you tube and look for anything by Parkez17
'Tis Herself

Kudos to my older daughter Cat.
My girls go to an afterschool program/dayschool which turns into a summer camp. They have been going there for 7 years.
Every summer they have a talent show. Cat is a bonafide tomboy. I haven't seen her hair out of a ponytail since Spring, she wears sports t-shirts and baseball caps every day. The hubster and I are fine with it and are hoping to get a nice juicy sports scholarship one day ; )
Cat's group decided to do a song and dance to the song "Glamorous" by Fergie. Cat was hoping for a less "girly girly song" but she went with it because her friends (none of them tomboys) voted and she wanted to be diplomatic.
Last night she confided in me that her assigned camp counselor for this activity has asked the girls to dress up girly and bring in makeup (if they wanted) for the event. Cat said that she was not comfortable wearing makeup or girly clothes (she does own some-we have some diehard relatives who insist on buying her clothes to "snap her out of this phase"). I listened and gave her some options (wear the girly clothes or wear your regular clothes..blah blah).
Cat just emerged from her bedroom true to herself; basketball t-shirt, cargo shorts, sneakers and baseball cap. I asked if she was going to still participate in the event. She said "yes, and whatever happens happens."
I am very proud
Her little sister Cal looks like a drag queen today (total opposite)
This above all: to thine ownself be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.” -Shakespeare-Hamlet
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
To the crazy hip blog mamas- childhood dreams

Random thoughts on a Weds....