Fred Lynn of the millenium?

"Pay attention to me!!"
This is a blog for Moms. Moms who work outside the home and inside the home. This is not a blog to pass judgement on others...we all just want to get along. Life is too short. Its an outlook from the fingerprint smeared windows of my minivan as I struggle to find my identity in a sea of ubermoms in the suburbs....
By Kimberly Palmer
Posted 8/26/07
Madison Avenue has created a new kind of mother to reflect the latest work-family trends. Dubbed "alpha moms," they project independence, balance, and competence at both work and home, in contrast to past images of harried working moms and über-domestic stay-at-home moms.....
(long pause)
"Can we have mashed potatoes for breakfast?"
"sorry Cal, we don't have enough time for that this morning"
...and off she went to start her day....
I never thought these would be the hard issues I would be tackling.... I thought the questions like "where do babies come from," "what happens after you die?" etc.....
I am somewhat prepared for those questions
Children ask better questions than adults. "May I have a cookie?" "Why is the sky blue?" and "What does a cow say?" are far more likely to elicit a cheerful response than "Where's your manuscript?" Why haven't you called?" and "Who's your lawyer?" Fran Lebowitz,