I can never resist when my friends send me opportunities to talk about myself
Lets hear from you
- If you could change one thing about your appearance (lets not include weight) what would it be?
- What would be something that you have never learned to do but would like to (juggling, ice skating etc....)
- If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
- If you could go on a date with any famous person living or dead who would it be?
- Name a day in your life that you would like to re-live keeping in mind you couldn't change anything....
- Do you like your twenties or thirties better?
- What is your favorite line or scene in a movie or book?
- If you had to pick an actress to play you in a movie who would it be?
- If you had to indulge yourself for 1 day what would you do?
- Is there a particular song that reminds you of your child (lullabye, song that was popular when he/she was born)
1. I have a flat butt. I'd much rather have a nice little round bum bum.
2. play hockey - big surprise there...
3. under Tom....oh wait....that's your line.
Back in bed...I have a fever.
4. Dr Covach(sp) from ER
5.Any day during my honeymoon...a little alone time with hubby right now would be nice!
6. thirties
7. I love the scene in The Sound of Music when Maria is in the gazebo and he (drawing a blank...name?) comes out to confess his love to her and they sing....ah...love!
8.Pamela Anderson...just kidding....Julia Roberts or Nicole Kidman
9. massage, facial, nails, hair, lobster & creme brulee for lunch and then a nap.
10. September by Earth, Wind & Fire...Stanley used to wiggle his hips & groove when he was a toddler.
1. Thick, straight hair
2. Drive a stick shift
3. Underneath Tom Brady
4. I would love to go on a date with George Clooney
5. Would love to relive the day I heard my daughter's heartbeat for the first time
6. 30's
7. Thats a toss up a) Gone with the Wind Scarlett and her father talking about the land b.) When Gregory Peck walks out of the courtroom in To Kill a Mockingbird ("stand up Jean Louise-your father is passing") c)The kiss in the cottage in The Quiet Man
8. Julia Julia Julia
9. Go shopping for stuff I don't need, get massage, take a NAP then meet girlfriends for cocktails
10. Eidelweiss (Cat), Sweet Baby James (Cal)
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