After laboring all night in denial that my baby was on the way (2 weeks early). My beautiful daughter was born. 8lbs (I knew all along they had my due date wrong).
We didn't know what we were having. The pregnancy was so different, I assumed she was a boy. Moments before walking down to the operating room for a C-section, my sister in law grabbed my hand and said "you are having a girl for your mom." (My mom had passed away months before). At that moment, I knew she was right.
About a half hour later, she came screaming into the world. And low and behold, she looked exactly like my mom. It was as if she was sent to me to heal my very broken heart.
Unlike my older daughter who wanted to explore every face that came to my hospital room, she kept her eyes slammed shut and would curl right into me. She had red skin, dark hair and enormous brown eyes. Although she didn't mind other people holding her, she was from that day on a mumma's girl. She was very content snuggling in the nook of my neck or the crook of my elbow completely bundled up.
It was such a happy, quiet Spring day.
Happy Birthday Cal
Your blog made me cry.
Cally is just such a sweetie pie.
Happy Birthday, Caroline!
With love from Mrs. C
That was incredibly touching - happy birthday to your sweet girl.
Happy Birthday!
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