Michael Johns? Say it isn't so? I mean he wasn't very good this week....but look at him just look at him.....
I think its the curse of the bad outfit. Are ascots the new rage? Or was that a scarf on his neck?....What gives? I am convinced Ramiele performances went down hill once they started putting her in high wasted baby clothes. Put a pair of mommy jeans or stirrup pants on David Achuletta and I guarantee he will be gone next.
Kudos to my daughter, Cat on her magic sand science project which she presented with one of her peeps at the science fair last night. It was a hit. Now after trying to make our own magic sand like real scientists (baking 5 lbs of sand in my oven and spending a week and about $20 on scotch guard), we decided to order some backup magic sand
. Turned out this was a cheaper alternative and so I highly recommend the following website.

Very cool stuff. Fun for gifts as well if you are sick of giving webkinz and Hannah Montana paraphernalia at birthday parties.
On a more disturbing note, how horrific was the "beating" video with the Florida teenagers. Having a preteen daughter, it just gives me chills to think of what kids are capable of. You Tube and My Space aside, what bothers me is the "ganging up" idea. This is not new. I thought back to my junior HS days and although I was a relatively "mild" kid, I clearly remember helping write and send a note to a "friend" who was on the "outs" with us. It was absolutely vicious. At least 5 of my friends signed it. Not to compare a dangerous case of battery to what we did, but it is frightening what a bunch of kids (in this and in my case girls) can do when the "bravery in numbers" mentality is at work. Did the 8th grade girl that we turned on get beaten... no. Did we send her into a crying frenzy and mental anguish...yes. I still feel badly about it to this day. Luckily in the jr high school playground justice system, the tables were turned on us pretty quickly. The victim in our case was taken in by a group of girls in a much more popular clique than ours and we were ostracized for the remainder of the year....
There is a new movie with Patrick Dempsey as the Maid of Honor, called my "Best Friend's Wedding" oops I mean"Made of Honor". Ok... as many of my readers know I personally think Julia Roberts and I were separated at birth so take this with a HUGE grain of salt.....

Huh? What?...you say?
Patrick Dempsey's best friend who happens to be a hot chick announces she is getting married and Patrick decides "she's the one for me" and is going to break up the wedding. GENIUS... I tell you GENIUS. Are they going to sing karaoke? Will he devise some wacky way to break up the wedding? Will there be a touching scene between the two of them where they almost cross the line between friends and lovers...
Will I see the move? But of course......
not digging the side part on Patrick on the Made of Honor website
Have a great weekend
Great post, Trish!
Can I challenge you to post everyday this week?
I miss reading your posts....and since it's vacation and all, I figured....
I still remember the massive crush I had on Patrick in "Can't Buy Me Love" so yes, I will sit through this movie, too. But I will still make fun of all the cliches...
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