The Hood was hoppin' this weekend!
Trish hosted a get together for the 3 families that hang together....plus one honorary member.
In case Trish didn't mention it in an earlier post...she is a FABULOUS cook!
We had a pile of steamers last night that were delicious!
The air was cool, the kids were occupied and the drinks were flowing.
Trish & I compared notes this morning during our walk and discovered that "Lightning Lemonade" (lemonade & Absolut) keeps you hydrated enough so you are not hungover in the morning...even if you drink gallons of it.
This sounds good in theory. But somehow, I think we will push this theory to the point of disproving it. It'll be ugly, I'm sure.
I hope all of you were able to have a relaxing & fun Labor Day weekend!
Thanks...looking very stunning in my overall, but hey that's summer for ya.
Yes, I love love love to entertain. Which is easy when you have a 80 degree, dry sunny day in New England...very rare in early September. We had no excuses except TO PARTY
Yes, I have no hangover, however the garlic (I did sort of a portuguese style steamed clams) is oozing out of my pores right now...
And for those of you reading this blog, those are oyster shooters we are holding up.
Happy Labor Day
Yes that is the top half of an Absolut bottle in the lower left hand corner of the picture...
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