Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Not to Sound Negative or Anything.....but

Can I just vent?

The following blog entry may contain language not suitable for young children...

Rachel Ray can kiss my ass. I can't do anything in my life in 30 minutes except nuke leftovers or go through the McDonald's drivethru. Also, when was the last time you gave your children "Beet Risotto?" and how did they react? I know, I know maybe these 30 minute meals are not geared towards people with kids. But, if you didn't have kids why would you be trying to cook something in 30 minutes? Take your time...relax you have no one pulling on your leg to fix their polly pocket outfit...

My period. Okay, now that we have a more sterile environment in the house, (hubster had the big V 4 years ago) I no longer take the birth control pill. Why oh why am I getting periods that are lasting hmmm 7 days with 3 of them crampy and heavy? If I am going to show physical atributes of my teenage years, can't it be firm breasts, nice hair or a flat stomach???

Suite Life of Zach and Cody (which is playing in the other room while I type this). Those 2 kids are obnoxious and not not not cute....and the mom...ok..stop the singing and dancing. If you were talented you wouldn't be on a Disney kids show.

New England weather. Ah yes, the leaves are turning, mums in the hood and football on the TV time for some sweaters...uh oohh oh oh...nope...its freakin 91 degrees out with high humidity.

Math homework....why they hell can't kids just "carry" when adding numbers. Why do I have to learn math again just to teach my children... I was dumb enough the first time. Now I am just tired, old and dumb.

Barry Bonds record home run ball...never gave two shits about it...never will...

New fall trends...

Flat Shoes (you know the ballet type) and skinny jeans. Thank goodness...just what I was waiting I can look like the hippopautomus in Fantasia. Skinny jeans...fabulous...Jessica Simpson look out here I come... when are stirrup pants coming back??



Kris said...

vent away....

another crazy night in #6 too.

let's hope this heat brakes by this weekend!!!!

i didn't anticipate this electric bill for my air in september!!!! said...


I can totally agree with you on almost everything.

Great blog !

Anonymous said...

Trish - I hate skinny pants and ballet flats!! Unless you have teeny ankles, ballet flats just don't do you any favors.

Kris - I'm totally with you on the electric bill - as my hubby had the AC cranked last night and I'm paying bills, I just cringed.

Anonymous said...

I am with you 100% on Zach and Cody. I haven't decided which is worse though, the twins or the London and Madi. (Yes, I am sometimes forced to watch it.)

Too Cool for School said...


oh I'm the queen of 30 minute or less recipes, and YES they usually take at least 45 minutes. I do have a Very Special Collection of true 30 minute or less recipes (that don't involve a microwave). I clip them from Parents magazine, the "From the Box" section. I have a collection of about a dozen or so. Some of them are actual 20 minute recipes, and they're all healthy and kid friendly. Uh huh. For reals.

Amanda said...

Oh yes, stirrup pants! I rocked those things in the 80s! Please god don't let them come back....