I knew she had a little crazy soccer mom in her like me!!!
Julia Roberts has chased down paparazzi that were snapping pictures of her near a school. She chased them down and told them to "knock it off."
I am the first to admit, while waiting in the supermarket line I will take a look at Britney walking out of Starbucks, barefoot with no underpants, but I do not envy what these actors and actresses have to go through with the paparazzi. I for one say "kudos to Julia!" I am biased, however, I love her and I think she is my soul sister. Have you ever seen the movie Notting Hill when Hugh Grant's sister is obsessed with Julia...yeah that's me.
OMG! Me TOO!! I got sent to Taos, New Mexico on a business trip a few years ago (I know..a business trip to Taos!?), and I found a wine bar that claimed she comes in a lot. I sat there every friggin' night because I just wanted to see her. My co-worker was like "and we are stalking her WHY?" and I said "just so I can say "hi". Never did see her, but don't you think she'd be the coolest person to just hang out with!?
I am coming back as Nicole Kidman in my next life.
I used to say that because she was married to Tom Cruise and he had been my obsession ever since he slid across the floor in his underwear & a shirt (ask my mother, no lie)....now he's just crazy. Good luck to Katie.
But now I say that because she seems 'normal' under it all. Not to mention that she is stunning and she is a fabulous actress....and it doesn't hurt that she hangs out with Russell Crowe (cu-tie pie!).
I don't think it's fair either...and I don't think it's healthy for us all to know the ins and outs of their lives....
Ooh, I love Julia too!
My husband and I had a conversation just this past weekend about how maybe if some of the celebrities had a little more privacy they wouldn't do some of the stupid things that they do.
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