I flicked on the TV and Notting Hill is on...its a sign....
Julia Roberts and I are soul sisters for the following reasons:
2) We both straighten our hair (can you believe it????)

(just to qualify that statement, I wasn't ACTUALLY dressed as a prostitute, but I did have wig with bangs and did some pretty sleezy things at the party)
5) We were both married to Lyle Lovett..
Wait a minute...no, but ...I once listened to Lyle Lovett on the radio by accident

6) We both hang out with people named George
, yup the custodial engineer at my company is named George!!!

7) We both like the movie Steel Magnolias (I mean she must like that movie right???) and I once thought I was having a diabetic seizure after eating too many mentos and I have been known to drool orange juice out of my mouth.... (remember that scene???)
8) We both have strange families

9) I once made my friend to Karoke when she didn't want to and neither of us have a chance in hell of hooking up with Rupert Everett

We both hate Rachel Ray.... Well I am not sure if Julia does for certain, but come on, I'll bet she hates Rachel Ray.

Oh and lastly # 11!!!
We both have 3 best friends who drink cosmopolitans and hang out in New York City and share our lives and their names are Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha!!! YES the similarities are striking...
We both have been intimate with people named Mr Big (or well perhaps that is the pet name of something I keep in my nightstand..)

Wait a minute.. that's Carrie Bradshaw...ummm
Maybe she's my soul sister... umm
Sorry never mind
LMAO!!! That is hilarious~
ROFL....This IS hilarious!!
Oh my, this truly was HEE~LARIOUS Julia. :)
okay...you get to be Carrie if I get to be Charlotte....
I dunno know, I think you look just like her; especially the wig picture!
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