Saturday, September 29, 2007
Clinching the Division!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Not to Sound Negative or Anything.....but

Friday, September 21, 2007
Photo Friday with the CHBM

My friends at the Crazy Hip Blog Mama's are interested in photos, writings or poems about land. Visit their site, they have some great mom writings....
This is a picture of my girls on a tour Franconia State Park, heading to the Flume Gorge
We went late spring and what was most amazing was parts of the gorge still had ice formations even though it was 85 degrees out.
It is a spectacular example of the interest geographic mix you can find in New England. Of course I am biased.
The Flume is a natural granite gorge extending 800 feet at the base of Mount Liberty. Towering granite walls rise to a spectacular height of 90 feet .
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Somebody Get Me a Cosmopolitan

They are releasing photos and plot hints already from the set.
I am the only one who is a bit nervous about "jumping the shark" on this one?
Sunday, September 16, 2007
V is for Victory

Kudos to my daughter Cat and her team the Diamonds on their Victory yesterday. It was thrilling to watch Cat score her first goal, make 2 assists and success as goalie in the second half of the game.
Victory got me thinking of the other words in our language that begin with the letter V.
Vociferous--I was overly vociferous in my support of the team and my daughter. Why is it that I lose all sense of reason when I see my children succeed at a sport. Am I really turning into "that kind of mom?" Is it merely positive reinforcement to a slightly psychotic level. Is it different when she does poorly? Will I scream at the top of my lungs "That's OK next time try to kick it in the opponent's net, I still support you!!" as I clutch onto the hubsters arm hard enough to cause bruising
Videotaping--for those of us who are huge sports fans and follow the New England Patriots, I can't quite get my brain around this videotaping scandal. "Everyone does it" yes, I can imagine. But what are the other things in life are we going to explain to our kids that everyone else "does" and to just turn the other cheek. (sex before marriage, drinking before the age of 21, trying pot....)
Virtue--As a mother of 2 young children, its easy to imagine the kind of virtues I am going to try to instill on my girls as they become young women (don't do drugs, don't drink and drive blah blah). In "sports terms"-that's a "layup" correct? What are the virtues we are introducing without realizing it? Its OK to gossip about the other mom's in the neighborhood, its OK to skip church or work because we simply don't feel like going, is it OK to tell little white lies ..."tell Nana I am in the shower and can't talk right now!" Do these little indiscretions creep up on us eventually?
Value--Would my reaction been different had the Diamonds lost yesterday. Had Cat's goal, 2 assists, numerous saves while in goal been erased by the mere fact that they lost? I hope not. I hope that Cat realizes that doing her personal best regardless of the outcome is what we value and not necessarily winning. I hope that all of us "sports parents" keep that in check this season.
Volunteering--Yes, Very proud of Cat again. She volunteered to play goalie in the second half. What made me proud was the fact that I was such a shy and mousy kid, I never volunteered to do anything. Makes me wonder, is that 9 year old mouse still in me that makes me not want to volunteer for anything else in life and I have simply disguised the lack of volunteerism with being busy?
Valor--Defined means "strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness : personal bravery." Great word-in fact my favorite in the bunch. When I think of valor, I think of knights in shining armor slaying the enemy. In modern times in the suburbs, who or what is the enemy and how do we define personal bravery?~T
Monday, September 10, 2007
My New Favorite Nickelodeon Show

From TV Guide.com
Carly is a teenager who lives with her twenty-six year old brother and guardian Spencer, and produces her own web casts from a studio she constructed in the attic of her home. She does this because she isn't looking for fame or fortune, but just because she wants to be a good role model for kids and teens. iCarly makes TV history as the first series to incorporate kid-generated original content into its script.
I actually laughed out loud a couple of times while watching it with my kids, which I rarely do when I watch a grown up show these days. The premise of the show was interesting, the characters were funny (in particular Carly's best friend Sam) and the theme song didn't make me want to run myself over with the van. All in all 2 thumbs way up.
Watch it!
I Just Can't Resist--Britney, Vanessa Hudgens and Phil Simms

What do Britney, Vanessa Hudgens and Phil Simms have in common? Nothing, just something I want to blog about this morning....

Secondly, Vanessa Hudgens.... For those of us who have tween children, High School Musical 2 has become a staple in the household. A nice squeaky clean movie that has been watched in my house at least 10 times since its premier last month. And now, we have nude photos of Miss Hudgens all over the internet....say it isn't so Gabriella?
Saturday, September 8, 2007
It's Time for HOCKEY!
Today is our first game of the season.
I have volunteered to be the Team Mom again this year....but now the BOD has decided to call us Team Managers....very official sounding.
I am in charge of all the social aspects of team. We will go to a Bruins game....have a Holiday Party....go out to breakfast after 6am practices (which we have tomorrow).....providing snacks after each game....
I know you have seen reports on the news about 'incidents' at the rink between parents or players....but the truth is....those people who give the sport a bad name, are in the minority.
I compare it to flying in an airplane. Thousands & thousands of flights all over the world fly day after day....without anyone really noticing. When there is a tragedy with one of these planes, it is reported for days!
Understandably so.......
Same with hockey......
When one of these idiotic parents becomes out of control.....it's all over the news. The fact of the matter is, there are thousands of youth hockey players and parents, playing in and attending games, all over the country and in many other countries, day after day and are able to do so without a problem. There are many, many of us that behave as adults should behave and we teach our little hockey players the same.
It's been quite the opposite, of those reported incidents, in many situations....I've had parents from other teams come over to our team parents after a game and compliment a goalie's efforts & such. There are many of us that just want to see the kids have fun!
Ask Trish.....she has met so many of my hockey friends and they are a really fun bunch!
Happy Fall Sports to Everyone!!!! ...whether you are heading to a hockey rink, soccer field, football field or gymnasium for volleyball......teach the kids how to behave & treat others by being their example.
Stay positive!
Monday, September 3, 2007
HBO Tell Me You Love Me
Holy Smokes
3 different couples dealing with one kind of sexual identity crisis or another, all going to a sex therapist (well it looks like that is the direction this show is going in). The 60 something therapist has quite the sex life herself as well. Not a comedy, not a reality show...a drama.
OK, can we talk?
Can we say full frontal MALE nudity? All couples are in committed relationships which makes it seem less dirty. And it truly wasn't dirty at all. It was more about intimacy...but
It was kind of like porn for women.
In the course of 55 minutes
I saw the following:
2 full frontal men (one of the guys showed it twice)
2 full frontal women
a rather large set of .....(cough cough) balls
a 60 year old giving her husband....well you know
a 30 something giving her husband another kind of job plus the "output of the job"
6 sex scenes which made the show average, a sex scene every 9 minutes.
I actually blushed... and I am not a prude....
Very intriguing.
You can watch it "On Demand," they actually have not officially aired the show. The premier is Sept 9th.
Will I watch it next weekend you ask?
And you can bet your balls I will
Tales from "The Hood"