This sets the scene of last weekend. Off to Plymouth to celebrate a family birthday with an overnight to an old inn overlooking the beach. No snow on the ground and the smell of salt in the air.
- Did my kids need sunscreen?-no
- Could we go in the water?-no
- Was it as cold as any other day this Winter? yes

Or the sound of the Herring Gulls mocking my nephews as they chase them down the beach?
Could it be watching your kids play with their cousins on a jetty daring the waves to splash them?
...and then watching them get splashed
I think so.....the salt in our blood comes from the Atlantic. No matter how cold the water is, its calming force washes over our souls with warmth and comfort.
For some it's the North Shore, for some it's the South Shore. It could be The Harbor or The Bay. Before The Bridge or after The Bridge. Upper Cape or Lower Cape. For some its the view from a small island somewhere between.... It's always there.
"We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came."
~John F Kennedy
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